Pilot Program for Pennsylvania* students planning to start college Fall 2024.
Every student who goes to college wants to graduate, but not everyone does. With personal guidance, students with experience in foster care can succeed in college, graduate and have satisfying careers. This FREE important pilot program, offered by a 20-year college insider, provides that 1-on-1 personal preparation and guidance for the students who participate.
The Program:
4 Free, 1-hour sessions:
covering information every college student needs to know before day 1 so that they can GRADUATE.
Topics include:
- Undergraduate overview
- Goal setting
- Academic differences from high school
- Time management
- Growth mindset
- Campus resources
- Financial wellness
- Roommates
- And, more.
Chester County, Delaware County and southern Lancaster County, PA students with experience in foster care admitted to college by June 2024. The 1st 9 students to email srichter@college100.net will be selected for the program.
$20 gift card per student per session.
Visit https://College100.net to learn more about the partner organization.
Please email srichter@college100.net to participate in the program or ask any questions.
The Program Specialist:
Dr. Suzanna Richter has spent 20 years working at colleges and universities.
- In her role as Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, PA), she guided hundreds of students from pre-orientation to graduation.
- As an environmental scientist with a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Richter traveled the world and published articles in scientific journals. She also taught college courses for 15 years.
- Her passion for advising college students and deep understanding of college life and academics inspired her to provide individualized college preparation and guidance to help students graduate.